Setup wizard problem


Senior Contributor
Sep 11, 2003
So I have a program that uses a lot of imports... ADO, JDO, Office9, and the list goes on, plus the normal run of the mill stuff. I used the setup program where you just add the file and it detects the dependencies and sets up all the screen for you. The ADO.DLL dependancy mscrolib is missing, however that same mscrolib is present for other DLL's, also msjro.dll has the error: "C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\NetworkManager\Setup\Setup.vdproj 'msjro.dll' should be excluded because its source file 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ADO\msjro.dll' is under Windows System File Protection.", however that is a core component for me so I'm sure this is causing the big error and I need a fix for it....

The big error...when the setup file executes I get file not found (probably the msjro.dll) and the setup file exits with error code 2755... the msjro.dll I use for the JRO.JetEngine.CompactDatabase() method... this is the replacement to the DAO CompactDatabase() method formally used... however I'm willing to use the old method if you think it will eliminate the problem... I might try it anyway... either way any ideas about the error mentioned above or an overall fix?

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Found the problem in case anybody runs into this... again... should be sleeping more... I don't remember doing this but at some point I encrypted my C: drive (probably accidently)... because of this is why the setup file would not work... the msjor.dll had nothing to do with it... so remember, if you encrypt your files... which I guess you should for projects at least...decrypt the setup file before trying to execute it! Learn something new everyday, that's why I love this so much!