setup manager


Mar 5, 2002
Poland, Silesia
I'm trying to write setup manager for my applications. I mean a program wrote in C++, with my own splash screen, which will check for instaled IE and .NET Framework. If they aren't already installed the suitable setup will be lunched. After all, my program main setup is lunched. But one of the biggets problem is to how recognize if there is a IE, Framework and which it's version.

Maybe I could search the registry for a key in Software/Microsoft with any string containing "NET Framework", but I'm not sure if it is correct, I hope there is more efficent solution. (for example: the key may exist, but the framework is not instaled, probably physical removed by user)

Also searching "program files" directory is not universal solution, beacouse, "program path" of IE and freamework, could be specified somewhere else.

any sugestions would be great...
You can get this information from MSDN site which provide you the exect location of Registry from which you can determince which thing is installed or not.