Setting DateTimePicker value programatically


Sep 6, 2006
I am working on a time submittal form which uses the datetimepickers with the time format to enter log in , Lunch out, Lunch in and log out times. I have set up a dialog with which we can save default values (like a property page) to the settings. It is supposed to set the values for the datetimepickers to these values on the load event and also save the values entered in the dialog back to settings. However on load it defaults the Time in dtp (datetimepicker) value to the current time, and ignores the rest of the dtps.

How can I force the date to a specific time, say 5:00 AM or 6:00 AM? I found that if I put in a message box to pull the settings for time and display them, the Time in Setting shows up as the current time not the amount I entered in the dialog.