Session variables are lost...


Dec 31, 1969
Quebec, Canada
I all !

I have a small app with only 2 forms. One (frmSelect) is for the criteria selection and the other one (ASP_Dep_Emp_Report) will present the results (some kind of a report). I use Session variables to store the selected criterias from the frmSelect. No problems when I first reach the report form, I can read the variables values. Then I click my LinkButton to redirect to the first page, I'm back in the Page_Load event and BOOM, the variables has disapeared.... No idea why ???

My Session ID is still the same so it's not the problem. I also use a DataGrid that I fill with the ItemCreated event.

If you need to se the code, I could post the project and the little mdb that goes with it.
Just a little update : it happens just if I open, close and Dispose an OleDBConnection object (for Access DB). If I remove the connection, everything is fine, but as soon as I try to connect, I loose my session variables.... I switched to SQL Server and everything is back to normal.