Serving a Web Form in a C# Application


Sep 19, 2012
Hello everyone,

I have written a Windows application in C# that is monitoring production statistics of a machine via OPC and logging to a SQL database. It has just a single user interface.

I would like to provide a way for my manager, for example, to access this application via web browser and serve him a single html page with current production data, for instance.

I'm not looking for detailed code -- just a high-level view of how this is accomplished. I just need concepts, at the moment - not specific solutions, necessarily.

Thanks for any guidance you can provide.
Since no one else has responded, I'll update my own post with what I have discovered, thus far.

The C# application can employ the HTTPListener class to listen on a particular port for a browser's GET request and respond with an HTML page of data.

This can be done synchronously (but only allows one request, at a time) or asynchronously using threading.

Maybe when I work out the details, I'll post them back.