Sending data to a VB.NET program


Nov 15, 2005
Hi all,

I was wondering if it is possible to write a VB.NET (or VB 2005) program so that it behaves similarly to a C dll. For example, I could write a DLL in C which an existing program (written in Java) can load and then start streaming sending data to it. I was wondering whether a similar system could be accomplished but using VB.

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Are you trying to make an application that another application can interoperate with, or a component/library for other applications to use? DLLs (whether compiled from C code or otherwise) contain functions and classes, not entire applications.

.Net supports numerous methods of interprocess communication (IPC) if you're trying to get applications communicating with each other. Alternatively if you're trying to create a reusable library, .Net can create COM-visible components, which other applications (including JVM applications) can instantiate and use.
Thanks for your reply MrPaul,

Are you trying to make an application that another application can interoperate

Yes, that's exactly what I'm trying to accomplish - a 3d party Java application will interface with some hardware, then stream the data to my application, which will present the data in a graphical fashion.

I've done a few searches about IPC, and it seems to be a description of a wide variety of different methods - any pointers as to a particular method?

OK well, using sockets sounds like a viable solution.

Thanks for introducing me to the concept of IPC.