Sending Automated Email using


Dec 25, 2003
I want to send a email (i am using with VB.NET as code behind) to a person on a perticular date and time..say if the user

composes a mail today and selectes that this mail should reach after 10 days and at 10:00Am...and another user composes a mail

today and specifies that the mail has to be sent after 4 days and at 5:00pm..Pls tell me where i have to specify the delivery date and

time so that the email will be sent at that perticular date and time...
You record the date somewhere (memory, file, etc...).
And you start a timer (or a thread) that verify each minute if the correct date has been reached. If it's reached... you send the mail and you delete the date from memory And/Or file.

You'll have to know that it'll check only the local time. But if you want to play with foreign time... you might calculate with GMT (another thing to remember). And compare with the current one. Well... it's another feature but... it's just an idea.

Hope I've helped enough