Sending an Object over TCP [CS/C# 2005]


Junior Contributor
Aug 11, 2003
I have a SERVER / CLIENT based chat interface (lobby) - the communication is done via TCP using TcpClients and TcpListeners - currently I have a working model using TcpClient and TcpListeners with NetworkStreams, StreamReaders, StreamWriters, etc....

At one point the CLIENT will ask the SERVER for the PLAYER LIST so it can be displayed to the users - in code the PlayerList is actually on the server as a DataSet (dsPlayerList.Tables["PlayerList"]) so when I send this to the Client I need to convert the results into a string and send it (using my StreamWriter.WriteLine and StreamWrite.Flush).
It would be so much better if I could just send the DataSet [dsPlayerList] directly AS a DataSet and have it recovered at the other end AS a dataset and not need to perform any of these string conversions...

Is such a thing possible?
Any ideas, hints, and help would be greatly appreciated, thanks
You might find it easiest to use the built in serialisation support, search msdn for the Serializable attribute and you should find some good examples on it.