Security problem... have no idea.


Senior Contributor
Sep 11, 2003
This is the first program I've developed for this network. Net framework is installed on all of users computers. Here is the first and biggest problem; after much headache I finally got the error to display for why no database connectivity was being done yet the rest of the program worked just fine: the error is:

Request for the permission of type System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission, mscorlib, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a... failed.

Okay, that's above my head. This is the big problem because I need this information to go to the database, if it doesn't, then the program is pointless. I get this error even on every computer except the computer I developed the program on, using the same or differant domain account (which by the way is Domain Admin). I really need help on this one.

Second big problem. I use the API IsNetworkAlive function to determine whether this program should even run based upon whether they are a dial in client or a network client. If I leave this line in and run the program locally on the computer I get an access violation error (bunch of assembly code) and the program crashes, if I run the program as part of a logon batch file it executes and I get the error mentioned above. This isn't as much of a problem because I can leave this functionality out but rather not, the first problem is the one that's going to kill me though!

Thanks in advance,
Okay, so on one of the computers that was having the problem (which is all of them but the one I developed it on) I went in and used the .NET Wizard to trust the assembly and the problem error (first one above) went away. Problem is now that I cannot feasibly go to 640 computers and run that stupid wizard. What the f was Microsoft thinking with this crap? How are you suppose to this part of getting your application deployed to several hundred computers without the user not knowing (because your an administrator and push applications) and get it to automatically fully trust it? Someone help!
Okay... I figured it out on my own.... this Trust thing is a pain in the butt, but I got it now... thanks anyway. Although if there is a way to demand full trust (which I'm sure I read somewhere just can't find now), let me know. Thanks. Oh and on a side note, does anyone know why the Net Framework 1.1 deployment package doesn't include MDAC 6 since that is the minimum version Framework needs and most computers that don't have Framework don't have MDAC 6?