Secure Socket Layer, any help would be nice.


Jan 4, 2005
Hi All,

I am building an e-commerce site on a remote server, which is going quite well. I have about 4 pages of this site that require a more secure connection as this is where credit card details will be given out etc. My webspace company provides SSL as part of the package, which I have just registered and I am awaiting for the permisions to be sorted at their end.

In the meantime I was wondering what the heck I need to do to implement this. For example here is a snippet of code I have seen in a book that I am using as a guide:
Visual Basic:
Response.Redirect("https://" & Request.Url.Host & Request.ApplicationPath & "/checkout.aspx")
Currently the browser dies when this line runs, as SSL is not set up I presume. I can find very little information on this subject and it's all a bit confusing. If any of you have any links (apart from google) please share.

Thanks, Dave. :D :D :D
What is confusing? You said the ssl is not yet set up so you cant make any requests on the secure port. In the meantime, you can set up a application variable like

strSecurepath = "https://...."
strNonSecurepath = "http://.."

Then on every link in your page, use these variables. Modify you secure path string to be non secure until your ssql goes thru. Now, if your webhosts provides a shared ssl cert, you would have to upload your page and dll to your virtual directory where the ssl is installed.
Thanks for your advice I really appreciate it. Unfortunately I have just found out that my webspace provider does not supppor .NET on the SSL server so as far as I can see I am screwed.

Just out of interest what webspace providers would you recommend?

As when my year is up with I will be moving on.

Thanks, Dave.