Screen Scrapes

Yes, we need more info. Are you screen scraping a website, a Telnet address, just a blob of text, or an actual screenshot (just pixels)? If it's just pixels, you're in for a world of hurt. If it's a blob of text (such as reading screens from 1320 terminals or somesuch), you might be able to use regular expression. For website scraping, I have no idea though I know people have done it...

I'm not sure about AS400 terminals, which you'd have to do a different way. But grabbing text from other sites can be done as I described above. Use the WebRequest class to get the contents of the page then use regular expressions to parse through it and grab the chunk you need.
Nerseus said:
Are you screen scraping a website, a Telnet address, just a blob of text, or an actual screenshot (just pixels)?

Have you got any example code on how to telnet scrape, not having much luck myself.

Anything would be appreciated

A rather confused junior developer