
When you blit, you can just specify your destRect to be a different size than your srcRect, and it will "Stretch-Blit" automatically.

However, on hardware-accellerated machines, it will anti-alias the image it puts in the destRect, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. This may be good for you, but it's very bad if you're trying to enlarge the image and use a transparency background color. (You can see on what happens when you do this.... My enlarged archer icon on the right ended up with a purple halo because of this anti-aliasing...)

I'm actually using a Viewport, have any suggestions on how I could scale using a viewport?
You want a ScaleTransform in Direct3D or DirectDraw, it sounds like Direct3D? Do you mean altering the viewport to give a "widescreen cinema" effect or Scaling a sprite/mesh?
You mean moving the camera in Direct3D[Move the camera closer to the object to make it "bigger"], or are you using the Sprite class, or are you using DirectDraw?
For the font, you'll need to manually enlarge it unless it's a 3D Font. Are you using DrawPrimitives with the LineList/LineStrip flag or are you using the Line class. If you're using DrawPrimitives, you can change the camera position by changing the View matrix. If you used the Line class, I don't know. Direct3D lines are 1 pixel wide and this cannot be changed.