Sample Code


Sep 17, 2002
I'm trying to create a guessing game. Is there any sample code / Links for subsituting asteriks in for the word in .NET?

It would be the same word but hidden by the asteriks, and how would I subsitute a letter in those asteriks?

I started out trying to read a random word from file to the text box:

Visual Basic:
 Dim sWords() As String ' hold words from file

    Private Sub frmguess_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        'read in the file
        Dim fs As FileStream
        Dim reader As StreamReader
        fs = New FileStream("words.txt", FileMode.Open)  'word to bin directory
        reader = New StreamReader(fs)
        'Read in the words
        While reader.Peek <> -1
            If sWords Is Nothing Then
                ReDim Preserve sWords(0)                
                ReDim Preserve sWords(sWords.GetUpperBound(0) + 1)    
            End If
            sWords(sWords.GetUpperBound(0)) = reader.ReadLine   'read in the word
'txtwords.text=swords /// ?
        End While

Can't seem to get the word from the file to display in the textbox. Any Ideas?

1. If you mean putting asterisks in place of all characters in a text box(?), then go to your text box, scroll down through the properties to Behaviour, and in there is a property for a password character, put * or whatever you want in there. Or to do it with code, put:
[I]textboxname[/I].PasswordChar = "*"

To do this, create a list box and set its visible property to false
            Dim Free As Integer = FreeFile()
            Dim strTemp As String

            ' Add all of the words form words.txt to [i]Listname[/i]
            FileOpen(Free, [I]Filename[/I], OpenMode.Input)
            Do Until EOF(Free) ' EOF = End Of File
                Input(Free, strTemp)
                [I]Listname[/I].Items.Add(strTemp & vbCrLf)

Then, to get rid of all the vbCrLf thingies, put:
 For I = 0 To [I]Listname[/I].Items.Count - 1
            [i]Listname[/i].Items.Item(I) = Replace$([I]Listname[/I]. _ Items.Item(I), vbCrLf, "")

Then, finally, if you want one randomly stuck into the textbox, put:
Dim Rand As Integer = Int(Rnd() * _
  ([I]Listname[/I].Items.Count - 1)

[I]Textbox[/I].Text = [I]Listname[/I].Items.Item(Rand)

Hope that helps:)
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Another question, :/

How would I subsitute a letter in for the asterik for the text box? So, if i had a word like "meat" which shows up like "****", and i wanted to subsitute an e for the asterik, how would I try to do that?

**** <--Meat

*e** <--Meat
In the text box containing the word (named txtWord for this example), disable it and create another text box (named txtGuess), this will be where you guess. Put the following code where it's needed:

Public CurWord As String = txtWord.Text
txtWord.PasswordChar = ""
For I = 0 To txtWord.Text.Length
txtWord.Text = Replace$(txtWord.Text, txtWord.Text.Char(I), "*")
txtGuess.MaxLength = txtWord.Text.Length

Then, in the txtGuess text changed event, put:
For I = 0 To txtWord.Text.Length
If txtGuess.Text.Char(I) = CurWord.Char(I) Then
txtWord.Text.Char(I) = txtGuess.Text.Char(I)
End If

That should work, haven't tested it yet.
Or, if that doesn't work, replace the line:
txtWord.Text.Char(I) = txtGuess.Text.Char(I)
txtWord.Text = Replace$(txtWord.Text, txtWord.Text.Char(I), txtGuess.Text.Char(I))

Haven't tested it.
Sorry, bit confused on where to put this:

Visual Basic:
Public CurWord As String = txtWord.Text
txtWord.PasswordChar = ""
For I = 0 To txtWord.Text.Length
txtWord.Text = Replace$(txtWord.Text, txtWord.Text.Char(I), "*")
txtGuess.MaxLength = txtWord.Text.Length

What do I declare "I" as? I tried string, integer, but, either one I try I get an blue line error.
Declare I as an integer, put it at the top in the general declarations, get rid of the line:
Visual Basic:
Public CurWord As String
and put:
Visual Basic:
Dim CurWord As String
in the general declarations
and remove:
Visual Basic:
Dim Rand As Integer = Int(Rnd() * (Listname.Items.Count - 1)
and stick that up into the general declarations.

Create a command button, name it cmdNew, set its text to 'New word' or whatever you want, and in the cmdNew_Click event, put this code:

Visual Basic:

[i]Textbox[/i].Text = [i]Listname[/i].Items.Item(Rand) ' This sticks a new random word from the list into the textbox
txtWord.PasswordChar = "" ' Set the password char. to nothing
For I = 0 To txtWord.Text.Length
txtWord.Text = Replace$(txtWord.Text, txtWord.Text.Char(I), "*")
txtGuess.MaxLength = txtWord.Text.Length

If you have anymore problems, I'll attatch a sample project if you want.
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I'm sorry, when you have time could you please provide an example program? I'm in no hurry, I'm trying to figure this code out.

Some day I might actually know what I'm doing in Visual

Thanks for the help and quick responses. :)

Nice, still looking through your code to see how everything works.

I was working on it awhile also..still didn't figure it out though lol.

Thanks for making a program to show me.

:( = :confused: = :-\ = :D