I'm trying to create a guessing game. Is there any sample code / Links for subsituting asteriks in for the word in .NET?
It would be the same word but hidden by the asteriks, and how would I subsitute a letter in those asteriks?
I started out trying to read a random word from file to the text box:
Can't seem to get the word from the file to display in the textbox. Any Ideas?
It would be the same word but hidden by the asteriks, and how would I subsitute a letter in those asteriks?
I started out trying to read a random word from file to the text box:
Visual Basic:
Dim sWords() As String ' hold words from file
Private Sub frmguess_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'read in the file
Dim fs As FileStream
Dim reader As StreamReader
fs = New FileStream("words.txt", FileMode.Open) 'word to bin directory
reader = New StreamReader(fs)
'Read in the words
While reader.Peek <> -1
If sWords Is Nothing Then
ReDim Preserve sWords(0)
ReDim Preserve sWords(sWords.GetUpperBound(0) + 1)
End If
sWords(sWords.GetUpperBound(0)) = reader.ReadLine 'read in the word
'txtwords.text=swords /// ?
End While
Can't seem to get the word from the file to display in the textbox. Any Ideas?