Sample App/Scaling+Shading problem


Oct 3, 2005
Thanks to the information I collected on the forum, I've made a sample application to test different features of the DirectX and I figured that maybe some people who are even bigger newbies to DX than myself might have use for it and overcome some initial trivial problems, so feel free to download it, compile it, tell me if something went wrong so maybe we could learn together. It's sort of a 3DS viewport look-alike application that uses old 3DS4 ASCII files :D and DX-generic meshes, so play with it and reply, if you wish, here or to

Btw. could someone resolve this: in my application, when you check the "Draw Generic Mesh" checkbox, you enable two of 'em up-down boxes where you choose among mesh types and a scaling factors. Now why does the mesh start to darken when you scale it?? Look at the code, it's just one more matrix beeing applied to the world transform. Uniform scale shouldn't affect the geometry in a way that vertex normals would be changed, so why the sudden change in light intensity??? :confused:

Please help :)
Janko Jerinic


100% best tutorial collection

I found a bunch of absolutely fantastic tutorials and felt obligated to
pass the information on. The code isn't too commented so you should
have some knowledge about Direct3D , but for those who aren't quite begginners and yet not too advanced, these are a real treasure. Unfortunately for some, not all of it is written is managed code, most of the tutorials are written in C++, but if you've ever met C++ you'll have no trouble understanding the code.