Safe & Secure way to perform file transfering between computers


Junior Contributor
Aug 11, 2003
My application runs on a "server" machine and provides files (10megs - 100megs each) to 8 other computers. Currently this is done using a standard shared folder on all 8 computers and the server simply copies the file to \\ComputerName\SharedFolder - and everything is great.

However, due to new policies we need to remove all shared folders, so using a simple \\ComputerName\SharedFolder is no longer feasible. Therefore I need to find a way for my application to be able to share these files in a safe, secure, and compliant way.

There has been talk of using sFTP which would require each system to have an sFTP server running at all times (controlled by the application somehow), or also SSL was talked about as it can be integrated into the application easily, etc...

So - I'm looking for what the standard approach is these days to perform this taks, I assume it is a fairly common situation and am curious to know what people general recommend and what route people generally take.

Any helps, clues, or hints would be immensely appreciated.