runs as application but not as service


Aug 27, 2003
My application (daemon) runs as stand alone but when i start the service which calls the daemon gives me an error. The daemon checks for emails using MAPI control. Does anyone have any idea.
tried local service and admin account also

shaul_ahuva said:
A common source of problems with services are security-related. What user account is the service running under?

I tried local service and admin account also, but i still get same error.

Signon error. My application connects to Outlook and downloads emails with attachments and starts an application.
You will need to create an outlook profile for the account the service is running as, try logging onto the local machine as admin, open outlook and configure the profile etc. so you can send / receive e-mail while logged on.
Log out and then get the service to use the admin account and try again.

Also I would generally recommend against running services with admin permissions unless they really, really, really need it (and even then I would think twice), create a new account for the application and configure it as above and use that instead if you are going to be a bit more secure....