Running C# on Windows 2000

  • Thread starter Thread starter tezcanalinca
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I have read somewhere that if you create an EXE application with C# and try to run it on a computer that does not have the .NET framework installed (i.e. no CLR Compiler), then the app. won't work (even though it is an exe). If this is the case then doesn't this negate Microsoft's claim that software created in .NET will run on any system ?

(If this is the case then Java will continue to have an advantage because it does work on any system.)

Also, VB.Net is very different from VB6. Does that mean when Microsoft release their next version of Office, VBA developers will have to learn a new language VBA.Net ?

If this is the case then doesn't this negate Microsoft's claim that software created in .NET will run on any system ?

No, because it can run on any system so long as they have the .NET run-time installed (it's only 20 megs). You can easily package the .NET run-time with your application so the user can install it with the application.

(If this is the case then Java will continue to have an advantage because it does work on any system.)

No again. You have to have the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) installed on your system to run a Java application, which ironically enough is also about 20 megs. It's just that Java has been out long enough for the JVM to be standard with any OS you install. Given enough time this will be true for .NET as well.
Dude you need to do more research before you start posting like this. Software created with .net will run if the framework is installed.
Perhaps he was posting in order to do the research, DevGrp.

tezcanalinca, although .NET compilers output Windows PE EXE files, they are really only a stub of machine code that launches the .NET JIT interpreter/compiler to run the IL code.