Running a C# program from a shortcut causes doskey errors


Aug 22, 2003
I've written a GUI in C# that simply runs batch files. The only tricky thing is that each batch file is being launched as a Process object so that I can redirect standard out to a file.

The program works fine when launched from the IDE. It also works when I run from a console prompt. Attempting to run from a desktop shortcut causes an error when the program actually launches each batch file. I get an error from "Keyboard History Utility" (which is doskey.exe) and a dialog to to debug or close. Skipping this dialog allows my batch files to run just fine, but it is terribly annoying every time this comes up and my users complain and freak.

Is there something I need to do to install the program? Do I need to write an installer or something? Or should just copying the file and creating a shortcut by hand be enough?