Run time error


Dec 11, 2002
Hi! When I install my application (in VB.Net) on another computer, I get an error message when I start the application "APPLICATION HAS GENERATED AN EXCEPTION THAT COULD NOT BE HANDLED" and it gives some process & thread id's. But when I install the same on my computer (development pc), it works perfectly. What could be the problem? I've been trying this for quite some time now but am just not able to plug into this. Plz help!!!

Thanx.. Vishal.
Is the error during the main loading of the application?
Are you doing any connection to a database or ...?

Add some eror handling to at least get the correct messages.
Its during the main loading of the application. I have done error handling throughout my project but still this error comes. That is what stumps me! I noticed one more thing now.. I had installed at another comp with VS.Net and it worked there also... so its working at comps which have .Net framework as well as VS.Net installed... and it's throwing this exception where VS.Net is not installed.. what could be the prob?
Yes.. all three in fact... MSFlexGridCOntrol for ActiveX... Connectivity to MS Access database.. and one FTP COM Component..
Installed all these meaning? Dll's? Yes.. All the dlls are copied and hidden. They are included in the setup program itself.
Yes I've installed MDAC also.. First I installed the Framework, then MDAC and then my setup. And one information if it's of any help. I had made a setup prior to this (on 31/01/2003) and installed it on another machine and it worked perfectly. And now after making some changes in the application, I had again rebuilt my setup and installed the same (after uninstalling the previous version) and it gives this error. If I copy the old exe now and run, the old exe works but the new one does not. Any guesses?
I think we're both sharing the same problem. Unfortunately, i cannot give you any solutions to that. We're both using msflexgrid, etc. and sometimes it gives me a headache. Did you encountered this:

Registered JIT debugger is not available. An attempt to launch a JIT
debugger with the following command resulted in an error code of 0x2 (2).
Please check computer settings.

cordbg.exe !a 0x48c

Click on Retry to have the process wait while attaching a debugger manually.
Click on Cancel to abort the JIT debug request.

I read a few article about that but nobody suggest a solution
Re: Runtime error

Well I have resolved the problem that I was facing. Lots of experimentation, debugging helped me in that. I just went step by step with the flow of the program. But today 1 site again reported this error. Haven't looked at it yet though.

I had also got the message when I click on debug. Rite? Well it's because VS.Net is not installed in the system and it does not have debugger to debug the code with. So that is why it is throwing up the error.

But if you can click the details button, it will give you an idea where the error is(amonst the 1st couple of lines). That struck gold for me. It must help you also. Just have patience & prepare to do enough debugging!

If you're using the msflexgrid (not advisable as it's not a .net component) you'll have to distribute that and register it along with your application.
i see

thanks for info

i've been suspecting this msflexgrid is causing me a lot trouble deploying my application.

in that case what component having the same functionality is advisable to use other than msflexgrid.