run a setup on a setup program


Dec 31, 2002
When I am running my installation, I need to run a setup program to install some bought components.
So, to do it I paste into the Application Folder the entire folder which has the program, and at Custom Actions Editor, I created a custom action which runs the Setup.exe File.
Till here everything all right, but It appends one thing that I don’t want, that is the folder and its files are being copied into the Application Folder too.

What I want to know is: If there is another way to run Setup programs using just one Setup.exe (setup.exe of my application), or if it is possible to installs it without copying its contents.

Regards, and Happy new Year!
It seems odd that you should have to run the third-party setup manually, usually they provide a redistributable unit (such as a .ocx or .dll) that you can just bundle in to your setup.

If it really is the case, then a custom action would be the way to go, I think.