Rough Draft Loop.


Dec 21, 2003
Well, here is a rough idea of what I want. I need a better way to prime this. This is looping through a collection of player objects obviously I don’t want to add the first player objects together just ones that match names throughout the file and then remove the other unneeded player objects from the collection. It’s creating the totals for certain items off of one of our servers. I want redundant player names to be totaled and stored in the first instance of that player object. The rest of the redundant players eliminated. Think I wrote to much code today... :confused: Been writing code since about midnight last night. Sleepy now :confused:Hate when you get going on something sometimes and you can't pull yourself away from it....aaarghhh

Visual Basic:
   Private Sub TotalPlayers()
            Dim i As Integer
            Dim x As Integer
            With PlayersList
                For i = 1 To .GetPLAYERCount
                    For x = 1 To .GetPLAYERCount Step 1
                        Dim kills, deaths, teamkills, suicides, objective As Integer
                        If .GetPLAYERObject(i).Name = .GetPLAYERObject(x).Name Then
                            kills = Convert.ToInt32(.GetPLAYERObject(i).Kills) + Convert.ToInt32(.GetPLAYERObject(x).Kills)
                            .GetPLAYERObject(i).Kills = Convert.ToString(kills)
                            deaths = Convert.ToInt32(.GetPLAYERObject(i).Deaths) + Convert.ToInt32(.GetPLAYERObject(x).Deaths)
                            .GetPLAYERObject(i).Deaths = Convert.ToString(deaths)
                            teamkills = Convert.ToInt32(.GetPLAYERObject(i).TeamKills) + Convert.ToInt32(.GetPLAYERObject(x).TeamKills)
                            .GetPLAYERObject(i).TeamKills = Convert.ToString(teamkills)
                            suicides = Convert.ToInt32(.GetPLAYERObject(i).Suicides) + Convert.ToInt32(.GetPLAYERObject(x).Suicides)
                            .GetPLAYERObject(i).Suicides = Convert.ToString(suicides)
                            objective = Convert.ToInt32(.GetPLAYERObject(i).Objective) + Convert.ToInt32(.GetPLAYERObject(x).Objective)
                            .GetPLAYERObject(i).Objective = Convert.ToString(objective)

                        End If


            End With
        Catch ex As Exception
            Dim mm As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient
            mm.Host = ""
            mm.Send("", "", "error", ex.ToString)
        End Try

    End Sub
Yeah I have it now!Disregard this post.I hate when I post and figure it out right away.
I'm silly im removing objects...I think I have it.But any suggestions I'll take right
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