I want text to flow down the textbox just like a console window but cannot.
People advised me to do this but you cannot even only see the first line at the top.
m_textbox.SelectionStart = m_textbox.Text.Length;
This almost works just when the WriteLine() function called:
1) if input line contains "\n", split the lines
2) loop through split lines, split line up again by character width of textbox
3) loop through these lines and add line length to queue, accumulate char count, deque old line (if count = 8) and remove old line length from queue so it is not visible
4) Set the selection start to TextBox.Length - AccumulatedLineCount and scroll
This runs slow and doesn't work for just the Write() function or entered text. Any help would be extremely appreciated.
People advised me to do this but you cannot even only see the first line at the top.
m_textbox.SelectionStart = m_textbox.Text.Length;
This almost works just when the WriteLine() function called:
1) if input line contains "\n", split the lines
2) loop through split lines, split line up again by character width of textbox
3) loop through these lines and add line length to queue, accumulate char count, deque old line (if count = 8) and remove old line length from queue so it is not visible
4) Set the selection start to TextBox.Length - AccumulatedLineCount and scroll
This runs slow and doesn't work for just the Write() function or entered text. Any help would be extremely appreciated.