Junior Contributor
An evolutionary computing framework is one that facilitates the principles of evolution for solving problems.
The main players are:
IEnvironment - The interface that defines the environment of the problem. The environment is responsible for defining the viability of individuals.
IPopulation is a type safe collection class with additional methods for querying the population as a whole (such as the average viability and viability spread etc.) and affecting it (culling).
IIndividual is a single individual that represents a possible solution in the problem. An individual has a set of genes that define it's solution to the problem space and individuals may breed which will result in offspring with genes selected at random from each parent.
IGene represents a parameter that affects a part of the solution.
For example, suppose we have a chess board with a game in play and want to select the best next move. Our class that inherits IEnvironment needs to supply a method that returns the viability of an individual - i.e. how sensible a move is.
Genes are created that specify which piece to move and which of it's possible end positions to chose. The population is seeded with a random set of individuals with a random mix of these genes.
The population is allowed to breed and then the bottom half are culled. This process is repeated a number of times until the population has a zero (or prechosen very low) viability spread. An individual in this population fits our best move.
The power of this framework is that it can be mapped to a huge range of problems by setting the environment and genes and the same underlying processes can be used to solve these problems.
Anyway - that is where I have got to. Any thoughts?
The main players are:
IEnvironment - The interface that defines the environment of the problem. The environment is responsible for defining the viability of individuals.
IPopulation is a type safe collection class with additional methods for querying the population as a whole (such as the average viability and viability spread etc.) and affecting it (culling).
IIndividual is a single individual that represents a possible solution in the problem. An individual has a set of genes that define it's solution to the problem space and individuals may breed which will result in offspring with genes selected at random from each parent.
IGene represents a parameter that affects a part of the solution.
For example, suppose we have a chess board with a game in play and want to select the best next move. Our class that inherits IEnvironment needs to supply a method that returns the viability of an individual - i.e. how sensible a move is.
Genes are created that specify which piece to move and which of it's possible end positions to chose. The population is seeded with a random set of individuals with a random mix of these genes.
The population is allowed to breed and then the bottom half are culled. This process is repeated a number of times until the population has a zero (or prechosen very low) viability spread. An individual in this population fits our best move.
The power of this framework is that it can be mapped to a huge range of problems by setting the environment and genes and the same underlying processes can be used to solve these problems.
Anyway - that is where I have got to. Any thoughts?