response.redirect / server.transfer


May 16, 2005
Hi is it possible to do the following:
Response.Redirect("file:///c:/somefolder/") or
I get error message if I try the second and "page could not be displayed" if I try the first.
But it works just fine if I press ctrl+click from visual studio, what's the catch?
You cannor redirect a client browser to a physical file path on the server like that. The c:\somefolder would need to be accessible as a website and given a proper url.
It might help if you gave a bit more detail about what you are trying to do and why this way.
PlausiblyDamp said:
You cannor redirect a client browser to a physical file path on the server like that. The c:\somefolder would need to be accessible as a website and given a proper url.
It might help if you gave a bit more detail about what you are trying to do and why this way.
Thank you I was affraid it couldn't be done.
This is why:
I am making application which queries Indexing server. Indexing server is located on our local domain name server and it is indexing shared folders on every computer in network. User should search for files over the network easily and with great speed. When he finds the file he should be able to open it directly from that search application, files are mostly office documents and pictures. It seem logical (I don't know why) to me that it should be done as web application, but now I see that it is much better to abandon that and build windows application instead unless you have some suggestions.