

Aug 11, 2003
To my knowledge, the Visual outputted programs require (as always) the .NET framework which kinda defeats the point of a "standalone" program...

Do any of you know a similar sytem to Visual C that works in a similar way, but JUST uses C and requires nothing else?

Would it be possible to copy C code created in VC into another C compiler and thus force it from requiring the .net framework?
Visual C++ programs don't require the .Net Framework (just the C runtimes / MFC runtimes same as always)
Managed Visual C++ or C# programs will require the runtime (but this should be included in future versions of windows anyway)

Not to sure about the "standalone" program bit - I've never seen .Net being pushed as being able to create apps that run without the framework.
Well, My objective is to create a program where I can distribute it to my friends etc even if they do not have the .net framework. Even if certain DLLs or w/e were included with the .exe, anything but the .net framework.. I don't care what fancy .net product I use, as long as it is able to be distibuted

At the moment, I only have, but I May get the studio...

It is a classic case of microsoft globalising everything.
Maybe its a classic case of you being uneducated...

You can compile unmanaged applications (applications that don't utilize .NET) using C++ in Visual Studio .NET (those editions that support it).
Ahh I understand, but, at the moment, I just have VB.NET Which I am assuming MUST have .net files installed to work. ^_^ (which means I have to spend out yet MORE money)
It is a classic case of microsoft globalising everything.

Perhaps you should check out Java if you are unhappy with the way Microsoft has handled their new technology.

Ahh I understand, but, at the moment, I just have VB.NET Which I am assuming MUST have .net files installed to work. ^_^ (which means I have to spend out yet MORE money)

If you go purchase VB6 you may be sadly disappointed there as well. If you use controls and what not in VB6, you'll have to package those with your program (usually creating a setup.exe to make sure they get installed properly). In the end, you'll end up with a 20+ meg installation program. How is this any different then if you packaged the .NET runtime with your .NET app?

If you are still unhappy then download a free C++ compiler and start programming to your hearts desire, in which case none of your programs will ever require anything except the program itself.
Well, I am going to cunningly take back the VB.NET CD collection to the shop I bought it in an buy the VS.NET package instead :D