Requesting Help: VB.NET: Controlling Windows Mixer


May 3, 2006
I have a program I am trying to make, however I am a novice,
and this is my first program I have written to be used by anyone other than myself. My question is this.. Is there any easy way to switch to the Microphone and to the Stereo/WaveOut like on the windows mixer.
I would like to be able to offer this feature in my program, so people can easily switch between these two settings. I have been reading alot of tutorials and things. The only way I have come across so far is maybe with Windows API, but this seems very extensive, and a very lot of code for what seems like should be two simple functions. So please, if anyone could recommend an easy method for doing this? Something a novice could understand, it would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone can link any tutortials that might help me, I would also be greatful for that. If API is my only chance, maybe somone who is good with API can help me? Thanks in Advance for the help!!
Hey Rockoon,
Thanks for the reply :D
I was begining to think no one would! :P

However, I already found that page and read it, but unfortunately that source is for
Library to control Windows Mixer from C#
not VB.NET 2005 which I am using :(

Still appreciate your efforts though, and Thanks!!