Report situation when user closed the browser


Nov 25, 2003
Currently, I am working on reports in ASP.NET using Excel. I am facing the problem when the user closed the browser. I would able to detected when user closed the browser if I embeded my report in the Web Form.

However, Since I created over 50 reports, I created the Class that inherient from System.Web.UI.Page that generate Excel Report as a central component. By using this method, I could not able to detected when user closed up the browser or move to different page.

Is there away to to this?

Thank you
You can use javascript to launch a new minimized browser when the current browser is closed, this new browser does all of your clean up work. Just like those pop up ads in porn sites. But if the user prevents pop up windows, then you are out of luck. Also, if the browser crashes, or they end the process manually. What you can do is implement this js solutoin and well as check periodically for Request.IsClientConnected before you continue with your backend processing.