Removing files from Temporary ASP.NET Files directory


Dec 5, 2005
I'm working with the DotNetNuke Portal application and coding my own module. Sometimes I get an error, and have determined that removing the files from the Temporary ASP.NET Files directory and re-compiling fixes the problem. The problem is I have to re-boot my computer each time to delete these files. Is there a way to delete the files from the Temporary ASP.NET Files directory without rebooting?

I've tried that. 95% of the time that DOESN"T do it. I still can't get rid of the temporary files. I can't figure out what is holding the #@*$(& lock on those files.
These are the things I've tried...
1. Closing out of VS and reopening.
2. Killing the aspnet_wp process
3. restarting iis
4. restarting the local sqlserver

Nothing seems to allow me to get rid of the temporary files.

Anyone know of a way to determine what is locking those files? I'm at wits end. I'm rebooting my machine as frequently as 2-3x per hour as I'm coding and testing. And waiting for windows to reboot is not fun. But... so far a reboot is all I can do to get rid of the files. What sucks is if I reboot and forget to delete the files and start up VS and run the app. I get the same error... And have to reboot again. So I'm assuming the Temp files are some sort of cache.


bri189a said:
You could try killing the aspnet_wp process.