Remoting obj and consumer web app question


May 27, 2004
I have web app with Forms auth. enabled on it and remoting object should be used in this app. Now I host it on the same IIS server but different virtual dir. I want to host them in the same virtual dir as the consumer app so as to avoid creation of 2 web apps. I can turn off Forms auth for URL referensing this object. Is it possible and ho this is done?
Gatwick said:
I have web app with Forms auth. enabled on it and remoting object should be used in this app. Now I host it on the same IIS server but different virtual dir. I want to host them in the same virtual dir as the consumer app so as to avoid creation of 2 web apps. I can turn off Forms auth for URL referensing this object. Is it possible and ho this is done?
yes. . .put it in a sub directory off of the virtual. . . when I get to work I will lookit up. check the help file for the location element of the web.config. I thnk thats it.