Remote Debugging


Aug 28, 2003
I am having trouble debugging on a remote server.

It is a server located in the same domain as my local development box. I created a new C# Web App on the remote web server.

I am setup as a local admin on the remote server.
ASPNET user and Debugger User is setup on the remote server.

When I compile the project, I get 'Access Denied' error.

I can't find any documentation on the subject which I have not tried. Why would I be getting 'Access Denied' when I am an admin on the remote server?
ok, .. under my project if i set 'Enable ASP.NET Debugging' to false, I can 'F5' it and it launches.

I purposely put a syntax error in my c# code in the code behind page and the compiler catches the error.

I purposely put a syntax error with inline scripting in my page and the web server showed the error.

so why do i need to enable debugging? what will that do for me?
Addressing the first question:
You are getting access denied when you try to use the app that you have comiled? Or you are trying to compile the app with one PC but the files are actually sitting on a different PC?

Second question:
Enabling debugging allows for breakpoints, watches, all the *wonderful* debugging tools that are built in to VS.Net. Trust me, they are awesome. There is no reason to have debugging turned on if the app is in production however. Actually, I set it to off when I copy the app to my production server. It helps a tad with performance and I don't debug it from there. I debug it from my development machine.


thank for the responses.

i get the error durring compile time. i don't understand since i am a local admin on both machines.

for now i've just kept it off, but i would really like to take full advantage of the features.
The likelihood is you do not have permissions to the ASP.Net processes on the second machine. That is why you cannot compile and debug. Either that or it has something to do with the order in which components were installed. These are the two most common reasons why errors like this occur.

I have to admit, this is just a guess though. The real question here is why do you need to comile it on a different machine? If you create a project on the second machine can you compile and debug that one?