Receiving Data From Network Device

Pinion King

Sep 30, 2005
Hi There,

I have a timing decoder that is connected to my computer via network cable.

I want to be able to receive the data from the decoder.

It sends a signal every 5 seconds, or when ever a transponder passes and triggers it, it sends the data related to that transponder.

The decoder has a fixed IP address.
What kind of signal does the decoder send? Is it just using UDP or some other mechanism? Is there any documentation with the decoder about how it's networking works?
Hi PlausiblyDamp and thanks for the reply.

I gather that it is using a UDP.

I couldn't find anything in the manual or on their website. I have sent them an email asking, whether or not they reply is another question.

Sorry been busy.

Doing a bit of digging, I have been able to narrow down to what port it uses and its ip.

I can connect to it via HyperTerminal, and using a Sniffer program, they both return data, mumbo jumbo but it is in Hex, so will need to convert it to something i can read, but i will worry about that later.

The decoder uses a p2p connection to connect with the computer.