really needs help.


Apr 15, 2002
in the page load of my page ( i have dataset created. this dataset have ten runtime created tables.

the problem is that if a user cllose the page during the page loading, the site is stuck... i get an error massege:
there is a datareader associate with this page...

and nothing helps to return it, only to restart the all server!!!

can i do something that if any user close the page during run time, the reader (sqldataadapter) will close?
yaniv said:
in the page load of my page ( i have dataset created. this dataset have ten runtime created tables.

the problem is that if a user cllose the page during the page loading, the site is stuck... i get an error massege:
there is a datareader associate with this page...

and nothing helps to return it, only to restart the all server!!!

can i do something that if any user close the page during run time, the reader (sqldataadapter) will close?
Just off the top of my head, as I don't know too much about the Communications Lifecycle of the Page class, but I am wondering if overridding OnInit() and putting your dataset initializations there might solve your problem.

But from what I intuitively have gathered is, do data initialization in OnInit() and control layout in OnLoad().