Re: My .NET form goes behind others after COM goes away


May 3, 2006
Re: My .NET form goes behind others after COM goes away

I have a .NET form written in C# (VS2005 SP1) that instantiates a COM object. That COM object brings up a VB6 form. When I close the VB6 form, my .NET form disappears behind any other forms that happen to be open such as Windows Explorer windows for example. I have to click its icon on the taskbar in order for in to come back to the front.

EDIT: It appears that its not that the form is going behind, but that the window where the task was launched is brought forward, and given focus. If I run from the debugger, VS2005 gets the focus, and if I run the EXE from a Windows Explorer, then WE gets the focus.

I have already tried this.BringToFront();

Is there a way to keep my .NET form in the foreground?
