Re-including a folder


Nov 2, 2002
I had a folder in my bin directory that I accidentally removed. The directory still exists but it is no longer part of the project. How can I re-include it in the project? There is no "add-existing-folder" choise, and add existing item doesn't do it either. I know I can add a new folder, but I can't give it the same name, because the other folder is still there (but not included). I supposed I could include a new folder with a different name, then move all the files from the old folder to the new, then delete the old folder and then rename the new folder with the old folder's name, but it seems like there should be some easier way.

To re-phrase that long worded question: How do I include an existing folder into the project?

Thanks in advance
On solution explorer there is a button 'Show all files', click this and you should see the folder in the solution explorer but greyed out.
From there though you shoul be able to right click on files in the folder and include them again.
PlausiblyDamp said:
On solution explorer there is a button 'Show all files', click this and you should see the folder in the solution explorer but greyed out.
From there though you shoul be able to right click on files in the folder and include them again.

Thank you, that worked perfectly!