Re-Designing Tab Control Question Help Please


Aug 19, 2005

Ok, to clarify, I am not wanting to build a new Tab control well, not exactly anyway

What I would like to do is change the present tab controls Look... I think its ugly.

So, hince my question.... as a Graphic artist I would like to re design its appearance to something with a little more style for my app. Question is, how would I then either make my design graphic become a new control that inherits all the functionality of the tab control or modify the present one with my new appearance???

Any thoughts?

Interesting yes, but not what I am wanting.

All this does is change the color of an already styless Tab COntrol.

I have seen across the net various tab controls of which do not look like this standard Tab Control.

My hopes was I could design my own or modify this one that it would have a better look to it.

Instead of the Rectangle Tab Perhaps one with a little Style to it.

I believe that the code samples linked to give you exactly that functionality. Take a closer look.