Random Lights appear in my program


Senior Contributor
May 21, 2003
Boston, Massachusetts
Hey.. I've been playing around with my heightmap stuff.. and I'm beginning to notice random lights.

I usually see green lights, and occasionally red lights appear. I haven't even TOUCHED lighting yet ... eh check out this screenshot and look at the red light.

Sorry, I gotta get a better view of the light, but to describe it.. its like a "perfect" spot light.. its bright in the center and it "Fades out" (or blends with the environment) around it...

-The Pentium Guy


ThePentiumGuy said:
Hey.. I've been playing around with my heightmap stuff.. and I'm beginning to notice random lights.

I usually see green lights, and occasionally red lights appear. I haven't even TOUCHED lighting yet ... eh check out this screenshot and look at the red light.

Sorry, I gotta get a better view of the light, but to describe it.. its like a "perfect" spot light.. its bright in the center and it "Fades out" (or blends with the environment) around it...

-The Pentium Guy

I have never done lighting in my life. I am currently working on a 2D game that doesn't have anything to do with lighting whatsoever. I suggest you look over your code and check for any little problems you might see logically. If you can't find anything, wait a day and look at it again, you are sure to find something new.

If you can't find the problem after all of that, just continue with your project and hope that when you add your own lighting...it will all be fixed.
Heh... I've looked over my code a million times, hell I dont even have lighting enabled!

Oh well, I guess I can cover it up with something... I'll find use for these random lights some day..

-The Pentium Guy
ThePentiumGuy said:
Heh... I've looked over my code a million times, hell I dont even have lighting enabled!

Oh well, I guess I can cover it up with something... I'll find use for these random lights some day..

-The Pentium Guy

Ya, I would wonder if you added some lighting in the future, and it went away. Sometimes the problem was that you didn't have any lights in the first place. But I really don't know lighting at all whatsoever...lol.
Well.. I'm not too sure if it has to do with lighting, but they DO look like lights :).
It could have to do with my vertices having a color value of some sort... but when I checked, I use PositionNormalTextured .. there's no color value there...

-The Pentium GUy
OH MY GOD!! Those lights were part of the friggin BITMAP!! JEEZ!!

I had 2 copies of the same bitmap... I guess I did something with the other bitmap? I really dont remember adding lights. Heh, I'm glad THAT'S resolved.

-The Pentium Guy