Radio buttons


Mar 29, 2004
Hi guys,

Im having problems using radio buttons in my page.

running sql server as my backend db.
I have a page that has a number of text boxes. Everything is working fine in that, if i enter values into these boxes and click on submit the valuesa re entered into the relavant table in the database. The problem i am facing is i need to also have some radio buttons on the page, except im not too sure on the coding that is neede. I am unable to have the values from the radio buttons selected inserted into the db. Do i need to select a radio button list or just radio button? any help will be greatly appreciated.

i have checked and also dotnetjunkies and still unable to find anything to help me

Thanks in advance for you help.
Please guys, i reallt need your help on this as i cannot seem to find any help anywhere.
thanks again.. any help will be great.
it should be normal getting the selected radio buttons unless the radio buttons are in a datagrid
fadi said:
it should be normal getting the selected radio buttons unless the radio buttons are in a datagrid

thank so much for replying fadi.

the buttons arent in a datagrid, just located on the form. But i cant seem to get them working, is there a sample code i can find somewhere, or would you know of a small sample

the sample code is normal, if u want send me ur sample code and i'll check if something is wrong with it