Quick easy Question

Vb Gangsta

Aug 31, 2003
Hi, For security for my program i get the HD #. After i get that i need to display it in a text box. I know how to do every thing ecept how to make the variable(HD#) appear in the text box with out pressing a buttun. As u can see the HD# is added to the text box with the event of a button click but i need to know how to put it all in into one thing without pressing a button.(Add the HD# to the text box with out pressing a button) Thanks
Visual Basic:
 Function GetSerialNumber(ByRef strDrive As String) As Integer
        Dim SerialNum As Integer
        Dim Res As Integer
        Dim Temp1 As String
        Dim Temp2 As String
        Temp1 = New String(Chr(0), 255)
        Temp2 = New String(Chr(0), 255)
        Res = GetVolumeInformation(strDrive, Temp1, Len(Temp1), SerialNum, 0, 0, Temp2, Len(Temp2))
        GetSerialNumber = SerialNum 

    End Function
    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        hi = "" & GetSerialNumber("C:\")
        TextBox2.Text = (hi)

    End Sub
I suspect that I didnot understand the question well, but If you mean how to directly put it in the textbox without user intervention you can use the Form_Load Event and put the code you put in the button click there.

Hope this helps,