pushing the boundaries of a textbox control


Jan 13, 2004
I am using a textbox control for a user to give what could be a detailed description of a job or task. Once the task is entered the data is added to a row in my datalist. Heres my dilema:

The data is in the datalist removes all the line carriages and extra spaces which I'm sure is by design but its no good for what I need. I need the data to look the same as what it was when it was entered in the textbox. I have though about using the <br> tag somewhere in my datalist but I dont know how I can tell the datalist that thats where a newline should happen.

Does anybody have a solution has to how I might get this to work!!

I'm not quite sure how to implement what you gave. I tried this:

noteRow[NotesData.NOTE_DESCRIPTION_FIELD] = Note_TB.Text.Replace("vbcrlf", "<br>");

but it didn't work..