Pushing data


Jul 9, 2003
Tucson, AZ

Is there an accepted way to 'push' data to a client browser? In other words, to have the client recieve some data and update its' display without refreshing the page?

I have a datagrid that I want to display some live data. I also have a webservice that exposes the data in question. Currently the client browser consumes that webservice once per second and updates its' datagrid. but this strikes me as horribly inefficient.

I was just wondering if there's a standard practice for going about such a thing. Any help greatly appreciated.
Server's don't push data to the client. Clients pull data from the server. The server will NEVER be able to directly push information to the client...this isn't the nature of HTTP; it is static.

Your best bet is to have RPC poll the server from the client and if there is a change the call should return the changes....see AJAX or ATLAS on Google. Only poll as often as you think data will change. If data won't change under a 5 minute window, then don't poll less than every 5 minutes.