Progress Bars problem with Windows 7


Aug 8, 2004
Portugal / Barreiro
Well, what do you know, all my progress bars ceased to function on windows 7, at least the right way.

They no longer reach 100%, and sometimes they skip animation. It does not matter if the Application.DoEvents() and the progreBar.Refresh() are there, they will not refresh in time.

It seems more people are suffereing from this issue, but I did not managed (yet) to walkaround this problem in a simple way instead doing the graphical progress through a second thread, which is totally unnecessary.

Any ideias on this?

Just a thought: are you calling Update (...or is it Refresh? hmm...) on the control in question?

Using multi-threading does feel like overkill for a simple progress bar, but in an ideal world any and all long running tasks would be run in a thread other than the UI thread.
I'm doing refresh on the progress bar by the time I change its value.

I discovered that the problem is the Windows 7 Theme... If I disable it or switch to the classic theme all progress bars work fine once again. So, I'm stuck with the odd working scroll bars for those running Windows 7 with Aero.

Any suggestions?

Hmmm.... one suggestion I saw was to use the marquee style progress bar. Basically, if the progress increases too fast the control's animation won't keep up, especially if the UI thread is busy, and the end result is that it looks like the operation doesn't complete. If the operation happens quickly enough for you to run into the problem then the marquee style would probably work well. The animation will make it obvious to the user that the app is doing something and whatever you are doing will probably complete fast enough that the user won't find himself, in the absence of an actual progress update, wondering just how long he will have to wait.

Edit: found this article with a couple of suggestions in the comments.
Yeah that post describes exactly the problem I have.

Anyway, I've tryed that already, with the marquee style but I didn't like it.
Well I guess I'm stuck with the incomplete bar.

Thanks for the info though. Its good to know you are still around :)

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