Programming books


Nov 23, 2002
Miami, Florida
Hi all,

I have gone thru a few programming books and none so far have been very good.
I have learned Visual Basic 6.0, but I really want to continue learning and the books out there aren't very good. The same goes with C#, I want to learn it but I don't know what the best, or more recommended books are.
Can anyone tell me what are the most recommended books for these two languages? I will try learning by myself, since I have had to do so before because the instructors offered no help....

Thanks all....
I have C# How to program from Dietel and Dietel, it is very good. I really enjoy the Dietel books even though they are expensive they cover a great deal of things and are normally quite in depth.

This said there are quite a few issues in this book with spelling mistakes and a couple of program errors but nothing that will keep you from moving forward. Hopefully they will fix most of the issues in the second edition.

Is Wrox - Beginning Visual C# a good book?


See ya,
Wrox rocks. Check out Bookpool for the (generally) lowest prices and often times free shipping if you don't mind waiting a few extra days for media mail. (Not an issue if work is buying your books :))
