Program hanging when calling Client.Dispose() (DirectPlay)


Dec 12, 2003
I'm having a problem where my application is locking up sometimes when I call Client.Dispose() for my DirectPlay app.

I haven't been able to figure out a specific repro case, but it definitely happens once in a while. I can step through the code in the debugger, and it calls Client.Dispose() and then just stays there and never moves to the next line of code.

Does anyone have any ideas of why this could be happening? Any help would be very much appreciated.

Kavan said:
Have you tried enabling unmanaged code debugging and then breaking the program during the hang?

No, I hadn't, but I think the problem was tied to a very strange application architecture I was using. I found a way to do the strange thing I needed with a much less strange architecture, and the problem seems to have disappeared as a result.
