program encryption


Aug 11, 2003
Have taken delivery of a newly designed application built in VB .Net. I am in a big hurry to distribute but cannot encrypt the program. Tried exeshield but does not work. The program has been compiled with a fully working setup but, having tried exeshield and the programmer who did the work, I still cannot encrypt. Can anyone suggest a good encryption program that works in .Net so I am able to move on.
Many thanks,
(I am not a developer so apologies for the clunky syntax)
Hi, Thanks for responding. Take a look at They explain encryption better than I ever will.
Why? Because I do now want to distribute the program for free and I do not want it to be copied and distributed for free.
I hope this clarifies things a little?
That is some heavy duty protection!
Now that I fully understand what you meant I cant help you much as I havnt seen many products of this kind. What I can recommend is an obfuscation product which will basically go through your .NET exe and do all kinds of changes so when the code is disassembled its not very readable. One of those comes with VS.NET 2003, although not the best version of it, it will help.
Exeshield seems like a very good product, if you cant get it to work then maybe you could look for some kind of support, they have some emails on their website.