Problems with dynamic, templated, and edit columns


Jul 2, 2003
I didn't think my idea was too ambitious.

I have a datagrid, and I wanted to populate it entirely from a view in my MSSQL database. That is, I didn't want to specify the column names in the datagrid itself; the datagrid takes the column names straight from what the view specifies. Since I have a templated column (more on that in a minute) that can't be specified in the code-behind code, I can't set the DataGrid to auto-generate columns; that puts my templated column at the beginning of the DataGrid, and I need it at the end. I came up with a nice workaround for this, but it might be causing problems.

Anyway, I also wanted an editable column that allowed the user to choose from a DropDownList when editing. Again, I didn't think it would be a big deal; 4GuysFromRolla has some code I copied, and everything was fine.

Unfortunately, when I added the EditItemColumn and ButtonColumn (for delete), it stopped working. Whenever I try to put any data into my datagrid, I get the following error: "Control 'DataGrid__ctl2__ctl0' of type 'DataGridLinkButton' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server." I get the error if with either one of the Edit and Button columns in my code. I don't get the error if I take out my templated column.

I really have no idea what's wrong with this code. Can someone help me?

Thanks in advance,

Here's my HTML code:
<asp:DataGrid id="DataGrid" (Some datagrid specifications)>
		<asp:templatecolumn headertext="Status">
				<asp:label id="lblStatus" runat="server" text='<%# ((System.Data.DataRowView)Container.DataItem)[StatusField] %>'>
				<asp:dropdownlist id="cmbStatus" runat="server" datavaluefield="Status" 
					datatextfield ="Status" DataSource="<%# StatusList %>">
		<asp:editcommandcolumn edittext="Edit" canceltext="Cancel" buttontype="LinkButton"
			updatetext="Update" />
		<asp:buttoncolumn buttontype="LinkButton" text="Delete" CommandName="Delete"/> 
And my C# code:
DataTable tbl;		

//Populate tbl

ArrayList columns = new ArrayList(DataGrid.Columns.Count);
while(DataGrid.Columns.Count > 0)
	DataGridColumn col = DataGrid.Columns[0];

foreach(DataColumn dc in tbl.Columns)
	if(dc.ColumnName == "Status")
		continue; //status has to be handled separately

	BoundColumn bc = new BoundColumn();
	bc.DataField = dc.ColumnName;
	bc.HeaderText = dc.ColumnName;
	bc.ReadOnly = true;

	if(dc.ColumnName == "ID")
		bc.Visible = false; //Hide the ID column


foreach(DataGridColumn col in columns)
Well, I solved it. The solution is so simple, it's almost embarassing: my DataGrid wasn't within the page's form tag.

Oops. :)