problem with webconfig


Aug 2, 2005
The previous developer used MS Frontpage 2003 to create this ASP website. He included in every page the strings to send data back and forth to SQL Server 2000. I am now creating some pages using Visual Studio 2005 Beta. I have a problem with the strings and webconfig. Does anyone know how to fix this problem without redoing any of the code in the pre-existing pages?

There seems to be a conflict. When I have the script in webconfig for the VS pages to connect to SQL, the previous pages, made with Frontpage 2003, will not connect. When the script is not in, of course the VS pages will not work. :confused: :o
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What is the problem you are having? Is there a specific error being generated? Will the application not start because of a web.config parser error? How does the problem even vaguely relate to sending strings back and forth to SQL 2K...and what does that even mean? In line SQL? Connection string? Some details are needed before anyone can help you.
When you say
the strings to send data back and forth to SQL Server 2000
what exactly do you mean? Are you refering to connection strings or the SQL code itself? connection strings can easily be stored within a web.config, SQL code on the other hand would either be within the pages code or preferably done as a stored procedure within the database itself.

Also could you give a bit more information about what you mean by
I have a problem with the strings and webconfig.