Problem with MS Access Database on server. "you need permission to view its data"


Dec 5, 2005
Problem with MS Access Database on server. "you need permission to view its data"

I'm trying to access a MS Access Database on my company's Microsoft 2003 Server through an asp page.

And I keep getting the error:
The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'xxxxxxx.mdb.' It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

Now since I'm only testing and I know no one else has opend the database. Also typically when you open the access database an .ldb file is generated in the same folder. No .ldb file exists so I'm pretty sure the db is not open exclusively by another user.

I can open the database just fine directly across the network, so I know the database is not corrupt or bad.

So I'm under the impression that the problem is I need permissions to view the data.

I have searched around and some of what I have tried.

1. I have added the IUSR_<Computer Name> account on the network machine which contains the database and set the folder which the .mdb resides in so that the permissions of the folder for the IUSR_<Computer Name> user is Full Control (everything is checked under security)

2. I have turned on web sharing for this folder.

3. I have checked the permissions on the .mdb file. The permissions also have Full Control checked, but they are all grayed out also. I'm assuming the permissions are being inherited from the folder.

I have not had any success. Has anyone else come across this. And what did you do to resolve the problem.
