Problem saving a solution under source control


Jan 27, 2003
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Hi. Has anyone ever experienced this issue before. I've got a solution using a project that was added from Source Control (VSS), and everytime I attempt to check any files in/out of the project, I receive the following error:

Some reload or shell operations were canceled or caused errors. You should close and reopen the solution before making further changes.

Your solution or project file is corrupted. Consequently, Visual Studio cannot save modifications that you made to the solution or project.
Close the solution or project, and then reopen it

After receiving the error, I close the project and after doing so, the project file (.vbproj) is then corrupted and the project/solution cannot be opened.

Anybody got any clues as to what might be happening? Here are the specs on the machine running the solution/VS...

Windows XP Professional
IIS 5.0
AMD Athlon 2.0 GHz
VS.NET 2002

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks all!

Nope, haven't gone that far. Have been through re-installation of .NET framework and VS.NET so far. I'm not entirely sure how I would go about doing that though. Is it similar to going into the File..Source Control menu and selecting "Add Project from Source Control"? I know that's not what I would do to add individual items, but is the process the same?

Determined the problem causing this error. It seems that the login used by SourceSafe was different from the login for the network domain. Apparently when checking in the project file, VS.NET uses the domain login name as the login name for SourceSafe and automatically logs into it. If that login doesn't match, the error shows up. Hopefully this information will help someone else that might be faced with this very frustrating issue. Good luck and thanks for your help, Robby.