Problem in VS 2003...


Junior Contributor
Nov 9, 2004
This is not actually a coding question but I have a little problem with VS 2003 and it's really annoying me.

I had a project which was originally written in VS 2002 and I have now installed VS 2003 and converted my project. The problem I have is that for some reason the auto check and format code (don't know exsacually what it is called) is not working untill I debug my project.

For example if I entered

Visual Basic:
public sub simon()

and then hit the return key it would normally automatically enter the "End Sub" line of code and format the code, but for some reason this is not happening anymore.

Does anyone know how to get this option to work again??


The option for this is in Tools>Options\Text Editor\Basic\VB Specific.
There are two relevant options: "Automatic insertion of end constructs," (what you specifically asked about) and "Automatic insertion of Interface and MustOverride members."
P.S. "Pretty Listing" is the option for automatic formatting.
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