Problem Adding in Microsoft.DirectX Reference -HELP!


Jan 29, 2004
Auckland, NZ
I have installed the references for Microsoft Managed DirectX 9. In all the documentation it simply says that when creating a new project click on "Add Reference" and it will be in the list, select it from the list etc. But when I selec the list it is not there, so I have to click on "Browse" and then I know where it is on my hard drive.

When I do this I can build a solution that has Microsoft.DirectX references and it compiles fine. But when I got to run the solution I get the following error:

The .NET assembly 'Microsoft.DirectX.dll' could not be found."

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling but I get the same behviour every time. I have Visual Studio .NET 2003.

Has anyone had a similar problem? Also how to I manually register the DLL s myself (the setup program has not done it for some reason)??

Is registering a .NET DLL different to registering any other DLL?

Thankyou kindly,

What version of DirectX? The latest is 9.0c.

Not sure if you want to manually register the DLL's.. but:
Start | Run | type in "Regsvr32 C:/PathToDll's/directx.dll" without the quotes

What language are you using? Try running the VS.NET DirectX Wizard - if a project generated by that wizard compiles fine, then you must be doing something wrong with your project.

Here's another way to register the dlls.
Go to the directory where you extracted the SDK Setup files, and then go to: Developer Runtimes | Managed DirectX | Debug .. and run the short setup file there

I hope that helps.

I am using the Managed Direct X install from the CD from the Book "Kick Start to Managed Direct X".

When I try to open one of the example projects I get the same error about the missing Microsoft.DirectX reference. But if I create a new project, and add the files from the example project, then add in the DirectX references myself, and compile, it compiles without any trouble.

So I can get it to compile, but it only complains about the missing component when I go to run it. Annoying!!

thanks for the help. I am in the process of reinstalling .NET to see if that helps. I am using C#.

I am a bit confused about this part:

"Here's another way to register the dlls.
Go to the directory where you extracted the SDK Setup files, and then go to: Developer Runtimes | Managed DirectX | Debug .. and run the short setup file there"

I installed the DirectX setup from the CD from "Kick start to managed directX for C#".

I take it you are talking about if you download Managed DirectX setup from the internet?


itguru80 said:
I take it you are talking about if you download Managed DirectX setup from the internet?
Yup, sorry about that, i take that statement back :), I dont think you need to do that.

In the example projects for the book, just re-add the DirectX references. It could be possible that the book is using a version of references that you're not.
I have the same exact problem but I can't solve it with the setup and I can't understand completely the other way. The comand refers to a file "directx.dll"? I can't find this. but I 'm I have the sdk developers runtime.

if anyone could help I'd be greatful